Got an old car that you need to get rid of fast. We pay on the spot cash for all types of vehicles. We have pick up facilities in Auckland, Tauranga, Wellington & Christchurch.

You can contact us directly on 0800 8200 600 or fill in the form below for a free online quote.

• Pick A Part is authorised as a member of the MTA to access information under standard terms and conditions for vehicle sales under gazette notice: 2022-au4073. We are authorised to obtain and use the information to confirm you are the registered person of the motor vehicle for sale.

• Any person can notify the Registrar that they do not wish to have their name(s) and address(es) made available under an authorsation. To do so, visit the Waka Kotahi website.

  Your Name    
  Pickup Suburb    
  Vehicle Model    (Including the year)
  Registration    (Vehicle registration number)
  Phone No.    
  Email Address    

763 Rosebank Rd, Avondale Auckland 1026, New Zealand
1 Alderman Pl, Mangere East Auckland 1062, New Zealand
153 Corbett Road, New Plymouth 4312, New Zealand
15 Rangi Rd, Takanini Auckland 2112, New Zealand
54 Maleme St, Greerton, Tauranga 3112, New Zealand
2 Eastern Hutt Rd, Lower Hutt Wellington 5019, New Zealand
550 Halswell Junction Road, Hornby, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand

To buy parts from these vehicles you must visit Pick A Part's Avondale, Mangere, New Plymouth, Takanini, Tauranga, Wellington or Christchurch and remove the parts yourself with your own tools. There are no telephone or online service for parts at Pick A Part.